Brendan Reilly's Professional Portfolio

Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew is a legacy brand in the American soft drink industry. Their brand presence is known to be edgy and energetic, so their marketing materials follow suit. In 2024 Mountain Dew launched a new brand ambassador known as ‘The Mountain Dude,’ and brought Baja Blast to retail, leading to a huge year for the brand. Working on these exciting campaigns has been a highlight of my social media career.

Mountain Dew and the gaming industry have always had a close relationship. Mountain Dew has partnered with many popular games for marketing campaigns, and 2024 was no different. We did major campaigns with Final Fantasy, and World of Warcraft.

Our Final Fantasy XIV activation was centered around a character named ‘Big Sippin,’ who gave out redemption codes to the Mtn Dew Gaming Marketplace. The character was controlled by another Mtn Dew employee, and they participated with other users in the game, which resulted in fun user generated content.

Our partnership with World of Warcraft was similar, where an in-game avatar of The Mountain Dude could be found and interacted with, along with a redeemable Mtn Dew-themed in-game prize. We amplified the partnership by featuring Timthetatman, a famous streamer.